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   2002 ReviewOur look back at some of the highlights of 2002
   2003 ReviewOur look back at some of the highlights of 2003
   2004 ReviewOur look back at some of the highlights of 2004
   2005 ReviewOur look back at some of the highlights of 2005
   2006 ReviewOur look back at some of the highlights of 2006
BooksAn introduction
   Reviews archiveIncludes hyperlinked index of all older reviews
   Newer reviewsGrouped by year
   PoetryA monthly choice with a short introduction
      KeatsJohn Keats: some musings on his life and works
      LarkinPhilip Larkin: some musings on his life and works
      2002 ArchiveThe complete archive from 2002
      2003 ArchiveThe complete archive from 2003
      2004 ArchiveThe complete archive from 2004
      2005 ArchiveThe complete archive from 2005
   Iris MurdochIris Murdoch: some musings on her life and works
   Marcel ProustMarcel Proust: a selection of quotes plus musings on his life and works
   Henry David ThoreauHenry David Thoreau: a selection of quotes plus musings on his life and works
DrinkThe pleasures of fine alcoholic beverages
   WineA vinous tour of selected regions
   WhiskyMainly single malt Scotch, but the occasional blend too
   CocktailsInformation, ingredients, techniques plus Drink of the Month
      Cocktail recipesThe complete recipe archive, including personal scores - many original recipes
      ShootersAll original recipes
   AbsintheInformation and recipes
FoodAn introduction to vegan cooking plus reviews of favourite cookbooks
   Recipe indexThe complete hyperlinked list
      StartersSuggestions for starters, including soups
      SnacksLight meals, suitable for lunches or snacks
      Main coursesMeals-in-themselves, or the centrepiece
      AccompanimentsSide dishes
      SaladsNot just limp lettuce, though there's a comprehensive section on green salads
      PuddingsSomething sweeter to finish...
      ThemesComplete meal ideas
      Ways with...Quick and easy variations on a theme
      BarbecueBarbecues aren't just hunks of dead flesh
      CannelloniOriginal vegan cannelloni recipes
      ChilliOriginal vegan chilli recipes
      CouscousOriginal vegan couscous recipes
      CurriesMy attempts to replicate those restaurant meals
      GnocchiOriginal vegan gnocchi recipes
      LayersOriginal vegan layer recipes
      PaniniOriginal vegan panini recipes
      PastaOriginal vegan pasta recipes
      PizzaOriginal vegan pizza recipes
      QuicheOriginal vegan quiche recipes
      RisottoOriginal vegan risotto recipes
      SoupsOriginal vegan soup recipes
      Wok cookingOriginal vegan wok recipes
      WrapsOriginal vegan wrap recipes
   Food-related articlesFood-related writing: amusing, informative, controversial?
   Chef's TipsUseful techniques
   Store cupboardSuggestions for items that keep well
FractalsWhat are they, how do they figure?
   Fractal ArtBeauty from numbers
   DownloadsFractal-related freebies
   TutorialsFractal-related tutorials
   Fractal of the Month - 2004 Archive2004 'Fractal of the Month' selection
   Fractal of the Month - 2005 Archive2005 'Fractal of the Month' selection
FreewareThe complete hyperlinked index of personal recommendations
   SecuritySecurity-related freeware
   EssentialsEssential freeware
   MediaMedia-related freeware
   Nice-to-haveNice-to-have freeware
   Website-relatedWebsite-related freeware
   Maxthon 2Tips and tricks for the Maxthon 2 browser
   Web 2.0Tried-and-tested Web 2.0 stuff
GardenA rural garden in the heart of England
   Garden DiaryOccasional seasonal musings
   Garden TipsMonthly suggestions for what you should be doing now
   Plant ProfilesMonthly profiles of a plant that's at its peak now
   A Year at Padley WoodA photo-journal of the changing seasons in the garden
      Late Winter/Early SpringLight and shadow are the twin themes
      Spring'Tis the season for growth
      Early SummerColour takes centre-stage
      High SummerThe main theme is heat
      Late SummerThe garden's apogee
      Early AutumnThe start of the mellow season
      Late AutumnLight once more is king
      WinterForm to the fore
PhilosophyIntroduction to our personal philosophy, including full hyperlinked index of writings
   ArticlesSlightly more in-depth pieces
   ExperienceEntheogens and their teachings
   Writing projectsAn introductory page
      LifeA practical (and theoretical) guide to living
      Leary's LegacyBeyond the hype
      The InternetConnected tales
      Douglas AdamsA personal theory
      Reasons to be veganA personal summary
   ThoughtsRandom musings
   QuotesInspirational and thought-provoking snippets from a variety of 'thinkers'
      OriginalsWholly original quotes